
Football lesson videos in Olbia

+39 333 3967336

ISS Olbia Summer Camp 2018

Uno a uno: l'uno di fronte all'altro per guardarvi negli occhi, per marcarvi stretti, per insegnarvi tecnica, disciplina e amicizia. Perché il confronto sia la vostra arma nello sport e nella vita.

Uploaded the 2018-06-28

Omaggio ai pompieri

Omaggio dei nostri campioni ai nostri eroi quotidiani. Il pompiere paura non ne ha

Uploaded the 2018-06-14

Vogliamo giocare

Il tempo non li ferma, "vogliamo giocare"....e gioco sia

Uploaded the 2018-06-13

Calcio di punizione

16:35 la punizione di Benny

Uploaded the 2018-06-13


Noi li aiutiamo a coltivare le loro passioni, loro ci insegnano a sorridere e giocare, come solo i bambini sanno fare. L'esperienza dell'ISS è speciale per allievi e maestri, perché il gioco del calcio è amore per la vita! Vi invitiamo a partecipare al nostro Stage di tecnica calcistica: 11-15 giugno e 18-22 giugno a Olbia. Un'opportunità per conoscere il nostro mondo!

Uploaded the 2018-05-07

Giugno si avvicina

Ci siamo quasi, giugno si avvicina

Uploaded the 2018-04-30


Già tante adesioni per il nostro Stage

Uploaded the 2018-04-23


Individual Soccer School ISS Scuola Olbia allenamenti

Uploaded the 2018-04-19

camp invernale 2017

Individual Soccer School ISS Scuola Olbia camp invernale

Uploaded the 2018-02-22

camp Natalizio

Pronti per il camp Natalizio, ricordiamo che i posti sono limitati. Per info Piero 3332341548 Gianni 3333967336

Uploaded the 2017-11-13

Individual soccer school - Open Day

Per noi il calcio non è solo un gioco: ma una scuola per conoscere se stessi e diventare grandi...insieme! Vi aspettiamo sabato 07 ottobre per l'open day

Uploaded the 2017-10-02

Estate 2017

Secondo city camp Olbia, estate 2017

Uploaded the 2017-07-11

Secondo city camp

Secondo city camp Olbia

Uploaded the 2017-06-24

Cantano bene

Se diventeranno dei veri calciatori non lo sappiamo, per ora cantano bene!

Uploaded the 2017-06-19

Summer Camp 2017

Via alle iscrizioni del Summer Camp 2017. Due settimane dal 19 al 30 Giugno. Utilizza il form per iscriverti al camp. Posti limitati.

Uploaded the 2017-03-22

Oggi pizza

Oggi pizza c/o pizzeria Ville

Uploaded the 2016-12-30

Parco giochi

Dopo aver mangiato si va al parco giochi. Dalle 15 torneo

Uploaded the 2016-12-29

Pausa pranzo

Finalmente la meritata pausa pranzo

Uploaded the 2016-12-28

In azione

Stamattina Emanuele Fiori in azione

Uploaded the 2016-11-26

Primo City camp

Primo City camp Olbia, abbiamo anche i tifosi

Uploaded the 2016-06-29

Giornata di chiusura del I° City Camp

Giornata di chiusura del I° City Camp Olbia, grazie alla banda musicale Mibelli e al gruppo Majorettes di Olbia

Uploaded the 2016-06-29


Only passion

Uploaded the 2015-12-01

Allenamento con il brutto tempo

E se il tempo è brutto noi stiamo al coperto. Manuel 5 anni e mille sogni

Uploaded the 2015-11-21

Allenamento faticoso

Sudore, fatica, divertimento e tanta soddisfazione con Davide

Uploaded the 2015-11-10

Grande allenamento

Grande allenamento questo pomeriggio con Davide Delogu.

Uploaded the 2015-10-15

Iss Olbia Davide


Uploaded the 2015-01-26

Iss Olbia 01

Samu Ermy Giò Andrea

Uploaded the 2015-01-17

Iss Olbia


Uploaded the 2014-12-14

rapidity orientation flexibility better coordination smart training better ball domain technical gestures better fitness better speed sportsmanship and behavior game viewing trust in own ability creativity imaginative games pleasure in training

About us

Gianni and Piero are professionals born and grew up in football world, they have over 30 years of experience. Their conception is that football is not only a sport but a life school. ISS'Sardegna is a project that looks forward in time, based on the desire to let the boys grow by allowing them to better express their potentialities techniques and human. A school not only seen as a simple football training, but as thrust for the full training of the boys, by developing an individual learning route act to the achievement of objectives. A continuous interaction to teach discipline among boys and players for living the joy and the positive values of football.

They say about us

My son has much improved both technically and in terms of character since he began private lessons. The guy has also had a marked scholastic improvement, acquiring great self esteem. I suggest to all these individual courses because they form boys to become men before footballers.


I knew about ISS almost by chance and I did not know its instructors personally. I can confirm my total satisfaction in having done this choice for both of my children aged 10 and 14 years. I think that the coaches are very professional, with a considerable charisma and an amazing ability to convey their passion to children and adults. I think that this weekly event has given to all the opportunity to grown up not only in football context.


My son is attending Olbia Individual Soccer School for over a year, I have to say that, I am enormously satisfied about this period of school frequentation, because I have noticed my son amazing improvements. This is due to psychological support given by school staff. He has had huge improvements, both technical and in terms of his self-esteem, due to the fact that the coaches prefer to have a constructive dialogue with their young pupils.


Qualified coaches, excellent professionals, reliability, competence and lots of enthusiasm…all these qualities are consequently transmitted to the students. All this can be summarized in football excellence!


ISS Sardegna

What is ISS - Individual Soccer School

ISS is the individual technical soccer school for excellence, which has its teaching technique roots on the method "1 instructor 1 student ". It is performed a real analytical work, that goes to correct and to perfect every single movement, posture, gestures of the young player, everything through the professionality and above all the ability of the gesture demonstration by the instructor. After a careful exploration it goes to analyze the main gaps of the boy. Years of experience and training on the field, have prepared our instructors on this type of technique.

Write us for information and bookings

If you need assistance, information or help related to our services, please send us an email to [email protected] or fill in this form.

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Summer and winter soccer camps for children and teenagers


Individual football lessons for children and teenagers


Athletic training for football


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